2013년 2월 27일 수요일

Monthly Toefl Essay #1: Custom molten in our lives

Bowing Penguins
Not every Korean custom has been able to survive as time passed. Some have sunk into the vast waves of Western cultures, and others have been modified, sometimes losing their original meanings. However, Korean custom that has survived throughout centuries, without being diverted nor forgotten, is Korea’s bowing custom. Because the custom is effective, practicable as well as being addictive, it is worthy of being introduced to other countries.

First of all, bowing custom is an effective communication tool among people. Unlike in other countries where one shakes hands in his first meeting with someone new, Koreans bow. Bowing has a stronger implication of ‘respect’. By bowing, people implicitly express their respect for the others and show they are treating the others in courteous manner. Some may take bowing custom as such a trivial thing that it may seem as though it would not have tremendous effects on situations. However, it is bowing that goes along with a person’s first impression, therefore serves as an ‘introductory sentence’ of a relationship.

On top of that, Korea’s bowing custom is easily practicable. The custom exists closely by lives of people. When one thinks of a ‘traditional custom’ one cannot but feel some gap between the word and their actual lives. However, bowing custom which Koreans practice mostly everyday is condensed in lives of Koreans. When they meet new people, when they express their gratitude, and when they apologize and so on. It is one of the most friendly and easily-practicable customs that exist. Even without any efforts to maintain the custom, the custom keeps its place in Korean society.

Finally, bowing can easily assimilate into another culture. At first, it may seem awkward and a bit weird for anyone who is not used to the custom to bow. However, once one gets used to it, bowing sticks like a habit. As a personal example, when I was a junior in middle school, I would have to bow to seniors. At first, it was awkward and somewhat annoying that I had to do it. However, after a few weeks, I found myself immediately bowing whenever I saw someone in the hallway. A few who were hesitant to bow would gradually do so after seeing everybody else doing it. As a result, in our school, the ‘bowing norm’ began. Even if teachers or seniors did not tell juniors to bow, juniors would carry out the custom throughout the whole school. It stuck like a habit, almost addictive, and was the one that spread good atmosphere in our school.

Bowing has its value in relationship among people, in the meaning it conveys, and even in daily lives. It is a custom which has maintained its position firmly among Korean people throughout centuries. It carries with itself the meaning of respect and humbleness which are spread throughout the society where the custom is applied. Even if the custom seems rather normal and trivial in Korea, I would say this is the custom which I can proudly present to other countries.

My Goals

First thing I would like to improve in my writing is grammar.
I know my writings sometimes are a bit weird even if I cannot tell exactly why.
I thought 'Grammar? Phss.. I don't really care'. And I regret it.

Second, I want my writings to be simple yet concise.
Rather than to have flowery-fancy-a paragraph long sentences I want one simple and deep sentence.
I want my writings to build upon each other line by line in a simple and direct manner.

Third, I hope to have a go at writing some academic, thought-provoking articles.
I have, from time to time, written some personal journal entries but not so often some logical writings.
Even though I may sound boring and ineffective at first, I would like to challenge writing something different.

But other than anything-I want to pour myself into my writings.

Hello for the first time

I wanted to start my first posted writing with something more interesting rather than 'Hi My name is...' or 'I am .. years old' but it seems like I will have to start with cliches.

Hello, my name is Gyung-Hyun Je and I am turning sixteen years old in coming April.

And befroe I start introducing myself, a brief mentioning may be needed:
I am not a boy(rather quite the opposite), for those who have been speculating.
Now with that being said...

I will write down some parts of myself to give the readers(whoever reads the post) some ideas.

To begin with, I am quite active-although it may not seem like it at first. And I dare say that I am pretty tolerant with others. I like being with other people, getting to form a pleasant circle of friends. Generally I like humans..(?) (somehow sounds a bit Doctor Who.)

I like writing. Keeping a personal journal entry is on the lists of my New Years Resolution 2013. However, reflecting back on New Year’s Resolution 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, I am not too sure how this one would go. But one day, I want to write something that would voice out for people in need, calling for changes. And the writings I am going to produce will not be the ones that seek profits nor fame. I want my writing to have a real ‘purpose’.

I like to do sports despite my relatively short height that handicaps me(especially when I try to play basketball). Nonetheless, I still believe that I would fall into the category of 'a few exceptional people' who constantly grow throughout high schools and universities. I love to ski and I would like to have my own ski sets when I can afford it.

And a random photo :D

My interests lie in various things-languages, psychology, food, reading, seeing musicals and so on. I guess I like to poke around at different fields.

I think I wrote rather longer than I expected(even though there are not so much information about me), this is all for today.
Readers would get to know what I’m like as they read the posts that I would be uploading.
Thank you for reading this un-organized and grotesque(?) post.