2013년 2월 27일 수요일

Hello for the first time

I wanted to start my first posted writing with something more interesting rather than 'Hi My name is...' or 'I am .. years old' but it seems like I will have to start with cliches.

Hello, my name is Gyung-Hyun Je and I am turning sixteen years old in coming April.

And befroe I start introducing myself, a brief mentioning may be needed:
I am not a boy(rather quite the opposite), for those who have been speculating.
Now with that being said...

I will write down some parts of myself to give the readers(whoever reads the post) some ideas.

To begin with, I am quite active-although it may not seem like it at first. And I dare say that I am pretty tolerant with others. I like being with other people, getting to form a pleasant circle of friends. Generally I like humans..(?) (somehow sounds a bit Doctor Who.)

I like writing. Keeping a personal journal entry is on the lists of my New Years Resolution 2013. However, reflecting back on New Year’s Resolution 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, I am not too sure how this one would go. But one day, I want to write something that would voice out for people in need, calling for changes. And the writings I am going to produce will not be the ones that seek profits nor fame. I want my writing to have a real ‘purpose’.

I like to do sports despite my relatively short height that handicaps me(especially when I try to play basketball). Nonetheless, I still believe that I would fall into the category of 'a few exceptional people' who constantly grow throughout high schools and universities. I love to ski and I would like to have my own ski sets when I can afford it.

And a random photo :D

My interests lie in various things-languages, psychology, food, reading, seeing musicals and so on. I guess I like to poke around at different fields.

I think I wrote rather longer than I expected(even though there are not so much information about me), this is all for today.
Readers would get to know what I’m like as they read the posts that I would be uploading.
Thank you for reading this un-organized and grotesque(?) post.

댓글 1개:

  1. ERROR FOUND: It's 'before' not 'befroe'... Make sure you get that thing into MS Word... Speaking of which, why not upload a photo of yourself playing a game or doing an activity? and why do you like humans? You'll be one of my main targets when I start to cleanse the world of their pungent excrement...
